
قام طلاب مدرسة الأكاديمية الدوليّة -عمان بالتعاون مع طلاب المدارس العصرية بعقد المؤتمر السنوي السّابع للمجلس العربي تحت عنوان "وحدتنا مستقبلنا".
Monday, 08 November 2021
قام طلاب مدرسة الأكاديمية الدوليّة -عمان بالتعاون مع طلاب المدارس العصرية بعقد المؤتمر السنوي السّابع للمجلس العربي تحت عنوان "وحدتنا مستقبلنا". وقد تمت استضافة الدكتورة سلمى النمس، الأمينة العامة للجنة الوطنية الأردنية لشؤون المرأة، التي أثرت المجلس بأفكارها النيرة وألهمت الطلاب بخطابها الذي لامس القلوب. In cooperation with Al-Asriyya school, IAA students held the 7th annual conference for "Majlis Al Arabi" under the title "Our Unity is Our Future". Special thanks goes out to Dr. Salma Al Nims, Secretary-General of the Jordanian National Commission for Women, who has graced us with her presence, enriched the conference with her bright ideas, and inspired the students with her heart touching speech!
Mark your calendars!
Wednesday, 03 November 2021
Mark your calendars! Join us on Monday, November 22nd to meet our academic team, tour the campus and learn more about our Primary and Secondary schools! Make the right choice, choose IAA!
Our talented ladies, Farah Rawashdeh and Rabab Barhoush, are back from the Arab Championship in Abu Dhabi with a great tally of personal records and medals just as expected!
Monday, 01 November 2021
Our talented ladies, Farah Rawashdeh and Rabab Barhoush, are back from the Arab Championship in Abu Dhabi with a great tally of personal records and medals just as expected! Both Farah and Rabab swept the competition winning both bronze and silver medals in the individual relays, freestyle relays, and backstroke! God job ladies, proud of you!!
Spread the word!
Monday, 01 November 2021
Spread the word!
Our Grade 2 little biologists had a great time last week learning how to extract DNA from strawberries!
Sunday, 31 October 2021
Our Grade 2 little biologists had a great time last week learning how to extract DNA from strawberries! What fruit should they try next?