
Grade 10 Virtual Art Exhibition
Thursday, 17 June 2021
Care to see more artwork? Want to know the story and inspiration behind each painting? Click on the link below to take a tour inside Grade 10 virtual art exhibition. Thank you Ms. Lubna for organizing the beautiful gallery and helping the students over the 9 past months to imagine, create and share their personal work of art! Marvelous work.
Happy Independence Day to our beloved Jordan!
Saturday, 05 June 2021
Happy Independence Day to our beloved Jordan!
Class of 2021!
Thursday, 27 May 2021
To the class of 2021: Another year under the shadow of a global pandemic might have changed your lives, but your persistent resilience will change the world! For you are resourceful, you are inventive, you are adaptable, and you are most certainly, RESILIENT. And so the time has come again, to witness yet another group of brilliant students, soar into new heights. Mark your calendars, June the 8th, 2021.
We stand in solidarity with Palestine and its resilient people!
Monday, 17 May 2021
We stand in solidarity with Palestine and its resilient people, for justice and freedom are indivisible. نَحنُ أحياءٌ وباقون وَلِلحلم بَقية!
Eid Mubarak everyone!
Thursday, 13 May 2021
تَقبَّلَ اللّه مِنّا ومِنكُم صالِحَ الأَعمَال والطّاعَات وكُلّ عامٍ وأنتُم بألفِ خَير! And Just like that! The month of Ramadan has come to an end. May God accept our righteous deeds and shower us with his endless blessings. Eid Mubarak everyone!