Learners of Today. Leaders of Tomorrow.
Mission & Vision
IAA delivers a holistic international education that exemplifies life-long learning and responsible citizenship.
IAA belongs to the Jordanian community, fostering an atmosphere of pride and identity, celebrating our traditions, and promoting a sustainable future.
IAA equips its students with the skills, principles and experiences that empower them to fulfill their academic, personal and social potential.
IAA promotes ethical development, intercultural empathy and a duty to the global and local communities.
To provide a unique educational experience that inspires, nourishes and celebrates the individual, one in which staff, students and parents are proud partners.
.تقدم الأكاديمية الدولية تعليما دوليا شاملا يجسد مبدأ التعلم مدى الحياة والمواطنة المسؤولة
.تنتمي الاكاديمية الدولية-عمان الى الاسرة الاردنية وتعزز الفخر بالهوية الوطنية وتقاليدها كما تعمل على تعزيز مفهوم الاستدامة
.تعمل الاكاديمية الدولية –عمان على صقل المتعلم بالمهارات وتنمية المبادىْ والخبرات لديه لتطوير قدراته الاكاديمية والشخصية والاجتماعية
.تشجع الاكاديمية الدولية – عمان التنمية الاخلاقية وقدرة المتعلم على الحس والوعي بالثقافات المتعددة وواجباته اتجاه المجتمع المحلي والعالمي
.توفير تجربة تعليمية فريدة من نوعها تلهم المتعلم وتغذي فكره وتحتفل بانجازاته وتنمي الشعور بالفخر لجميع المساهمين بالعملية التعليمية
School Pillars
Duty at IAA is commitment to serve selflessly, with no expectation of any recognition in return. It is an innate understanding that the well-being of the world can only be realized through the contribution of every citizen. Our own world extends far beyond our immediate circumstances, and the welfare of others can never be entirely separate from our own. IAA is committed to nurturing the sense of responsibility, duty and service.
"The leader of a house is also its humble servant.” At IAA leadership stems from the fundamental principles of dignity, respect, peace, humanity, prosperity and belonging. The IAA community understands that strong and inspiring leadership is not simply a title or position, but rather requires the active development of these essential principles. Leadership cannot be divorced from character.
Cultural Heritage
Our heritage is our cultural, social, physical and intellectual identity. It celebrates our past, drives our present and helps shape our future. Jordan is a unique country that celebrates the diversity of its people, honouring the pride each individual exhibits towards their own personal cultural heritage. This is the Jordan to which IAA is proud to belong.
At IAA, we understand that we are one of many on this Earth. We know that our actions not only affect the world, but also reflect how the world views us. We accept people based on the universal principles of Human Rights, Human Dignity, and Fundamental Freedoms. We therefore recognize each other as equal brothers and sisters. At IAA, acceptance is the basis of all human interaction.
الواجب في أكاديميتنا هو الالتزام بالخدمة بدون أنانية وبدون توقع أي مقابل. ومن مفهوم راسخ أن رفاه العالم لا يمكن تحقيقه إلا من خلال مساهمة كل مواطن. نحن نؤمن بإن عالمنا هو اكثر من الظروف المحيطة بنا مباشرة ولا يمكن أن تكون رفاهيتنا منفصلة أو على حساب الأخرين. ألأكادمية الدولية – عمان ملتزمة بتعزيز الشعور بالمسؤولية والواجب والخدمة
"خادم القوم سيدهم المتواضع" في الأكاديمية الدولية – عمان تنبع القيادة من ايماننا بمبادئ الكرامة والاحترام والسلام والإنسانية والرخاء والانتماء. يدرك مجتمع الأكاديمية أن القيادة القوية والملهمة ليست مجرد لقب أو منصب، بل تتطلب التطوير الفعًال لهذه المبادئ الأساسية وأن القيادة لا يمكن فصلها عن الشخصية
موروثنا الثقافي
تراثنا هو هويتنا الثقافية والاجتماعية والحسية والفكرية. إنه يحتفل بماضينا، ويسطر حاضرنا ويساعد على تشكيل مستقبلنا. الأردن بلد متميز ويحتفل بتنوع جذور شعبه، ويكرم الشعور بالفخر الذي يبديه كل فرد تجاه تراثه الثقافي الشخصي. هذا هو الأردن الذي تفخرالأكاديمية الدولية - عمان بالانتماء إليه
تقبل الاخرين
في الأكاديمية الدولية – عمان قناعتنا بأننا جزء من كلٍ في هذا العالم ونعلم أن أعمالنا لا تؤثر على العالم فحسب، بل تعكس أيضا الطريقة التي ينظر بها العالم إلينا. نحن نتقبل البشرحسب المبادئ العالمية لحقوق الإنسان والكرامة الإنسانية والحريات الأساسية. ولذلك فإننا نعترف ببعضنا البعض كإخوة وأخوات متساوين. في الأكاديمية الدولية – عمان تقبل الأخرين هو أساساَ لكل التفاعل البشري
Definition of Learning
Inspirational Learning
- Intent: Students are encouraged to view their potential as limitless.
- Implementation: Building a growth mindset that embodies empowerment, inclusion, diversity and equity in order to become advocates of change.
- Impact: Students are confident global citizens that act as a source of inspiration for others and become the change they want to see in the world.
Individualised Learning
- Intent: Builds upon the unique strengths of each student.
- Implementation: Acknowledging and supporting learner variability by promoting agency and equity.
- Impact: Students are self-aware, resilient and adaptable. They have choice and voice in their learning.
Innovative Learning
- Intent: Promotes a culture of ‘out of the box’ thinking
- Implementation: A varied use of teaching strategies and tools to develop problem solving and cultivate risk taking.
- Impact: Students enjoy discovery, can think critically and are not scared to fail in the journey.
Interactive Learning
- Intent: Involves students in the learning process
- Implementation: Engaging students through inquiry, collaboration and reflection
- Impact: Students can navigate the best possible route towards their goals, are independently or collaboratively (in partnership with others).
Solving problems in the real world
Teachers will implement this by:
- providing opportunities for students to make connections and critically solve problems through a range of perspectives from varied primary and secondary sources
- explicitly addressing local and global issues and relating learning to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
- developing authentic service learning.
The impact on students will be demonstrated by:
- thinking critically through different perspectives to solve problems effectively
- confidently engaging with controversies that involve local and global issues
- applying a growth mindset and recognising that others can support them in solving problems.
Applying knowledge and skills to new situations
Teachers will implement this by:
- preparing activities that focus on conceptual frameworks and higher order thinking (Bloom et al)
- organising simulations, in familiar and unfamiliar situations, to demonstrate transfer
- engaging students in authentic research projects, challenging them to support their arguments with evidence.
The impact on students will be demonstrated by:
- recognising how their knowledge and skills can be applied effectively outside of the original learning conditions
- articulating, in their own words, the experience of transferring concepts and skills in their learning.
Showing curiosity
Teachers will implement this by:
- knowing what is important to, and valued by, the student
- designing open ended inquiry
- embedding learner variability into learning opportunities, facilitating student voice and choice.
The impact on students will be demonstrated by:
- engagement and resilience to seek their own understanding to make sense of world they live in
- their motivation and confidence to ask and answer their own questions
- engaging with their strengths, challenges, interests and passions in personalised ways.
Acquiring knowledge and skills
Teachers will implement this by:
- developing a detailed and holistic curriculum that challenges students
- allowing students to be active participants in their learning and use effective questioning techniques
- providing intentional opportunities for students to demonstrate learning and practice skills, which is augmented by quality feedback.
The impact on students will be demonstrated by:
- articulating the connection between prior learning and what they are about to learn
- describing how they ‘learn how to learn’
- data, from quantitative and qualitative assessments, indicating their progress.
Synthesising to create new understanding
Students integrate knowledge from more than one discipline to create an original idea, see a new perspective, or form a new line of thinking to achieve insight. (IB MYP & Harvey and Goudvis, 2000)
Teachers will implement this by:
- providing learning engagements for students to integrate knowledge and skills from two or more disciplines in an interdisciplinary manner
- ensuring that students reflect on their learning before, during and after learning experiences to develop new insights
- providing critical thinking opportunities and hands-on experiences, allowing students to construct new meaning and perspectives.
The impact on students will be demonstrated by:
- bringing together concepts and methods from different disciplines to explain a phenomenon, solve a problem or create a product
- experiencing the excitement of discovering something new—including insights into how disciplines support and challenge one another
- inquiring in different contexts to form new perspectives that are logical and meaningful to them.
Harvey, Stephanie and Anne Goudvis. Strategies that Work: Teaching Comprehension to Enhance Understanding. Fort Walton Beach Education Club, 2020. 0310guid.pdf (stenhouse.com) .
Fostering interdisciplinary teaching and learning in the MYP For use from September 2014/January 2015