
The Primary Library’s goal is to foster a love of reading as well as lay the groundwork for research skills. With over 19000 books for checkout, the primary library actively engages students in Grades 2-5 in weekly library lessons, expanding upon the Informatics Curriculum. Lessons include Dewey Decimal Classification, genres, authors, awards, poetry and a selection of subjects from environmental concerns to biographies. Fifteen percent of the Primary Library’s book collection is comprised of the latest Arabic books, which are updated and bought annually. Along with books and online resources like Britannica School and Powerknowledge LifeScience, content-driven, visually stimulating, and media-rich online science resource, the primary library is committed to remaining current with the latest award books and requests for library materials to support student learning. The library has 27 computers for research and use, a fully equipped classroom with an interactive whiteboard, a few story time areas and lots of tables and areas for quiet reading, class lessons and projects.