
Mr. Skip Kotkins
Sunday, 18 September 2016
IAA’s five-year planning process -

Do you want to be part of IAA"s five-year planning process?


Meet our Senior Consultant, Mr. Skip Kotkins on Wednesday, Sep. 21 (primary parents) & Thursday, Sep. 22 (secondary parents) at the IAA MPR from 8-9 am to discuss our five-year plan.

Kotkin"s operations experience in both the private sector and at independent schools, coupled with his deep commitment to independent education, will surely bring new strength to IAA.


Don"t miss that exciting opportunity to voice your opinion and be part of IAA"s roadmap.

How To Help Your Child With Their School
Sunday, 18 September 2016

The IAA Secondary Counsellor, Elizabeth Shuler, will hold 8 sessions for parents of Grades 6-12 entitled, ""How To Help Your Child With Their School"" on Oct. 9, 16, 23, 30 and Nov. 6, 13, 20, 27. Seats are limited to the first 20 parents. To register, please pay JD 20 for your book at Finance.  This course will provide the guidance and support you need to raise your teen to be successful, responsible, courageous and prepared for university life.

IAA wishes you a blessed Eid El-Adha!
Thursday, 08 September 2016
Primary Parent Workshops
Wednesday, 24 August 2016

The weekly primary parent workshops are in full swing at IAA! There was a full house of amazing parents today. Mr. Andrew Powell, Primary Principal, introduced himself and went through the main policies and procedures in the parent information manual. The Public Relations department also presented the various parent communication channels at IAA.

It’s The First Day of School at IAA!
Sunday, 21 August 2016

We welcome all students, staff and parents back to campus. It was a buzzing morning full of excitement and anticipation for the 2016/2017 year.

Good luck to all and have a wonderful year!

"You"re off to great places. Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way!” Dr. Seuss.