
Spread the word!
Tuesday, 19 September 2023
Exploring the wonders of the human heart with our Grade 5 students who created a heart model for deeper understanding of how it pumps blood to the whole body through the circulatory system!
Sunday, 17 September 2023
We were thrilled and honored to welcome Dr. Abdulrahim Shamayleh from the American University of Sharjah yesterday!
Tuesday, 05 September 2023
Dr. Shamayleh graced us with his presence to honor the students and the supervisors that participated in the Dubai Institute of Design and Innovation's competition back in June. Our exceptional students have collectively managed to win 3 gold (first places) awards and 1 silver award. Scroll down our feed to take a look at their amazing projects which we shared in June!
From Jordan to Blackpool's dance floor!
Tuesday, 05 September 2023
Our talented students in #secondaryschool Noor, Anoud, Naya, and Maia rocked the stage at the UDO World Championship in Blackpool, England last week! A special shoutout to Noor for grabbing 4th place with her amazing team. Proud to have these dance dynamos represent Jordan!
What's better than ice-cream to cool off this hot day and celebrate a successful first week of school?
Sunday, 03 September 2023
Shout out to our amazing staff for pulling off this week! You're all worth "melting" for! Have a great weekend everyone!