
Our brilliant students are gearing up for the Jordan Young Scientist Competition and they are already making waves!
Wednesday, 21 June 2023
Not only have they been interviewed by Dana Darwish at Radio Play 99.5 FM, but they also nailed it by representing our school and the competition with pride! Let's show our support and wish them all the best of luck in the upcoming exhibition on June 23rd and 24th!
Yesterday, our brilliant Grade 3 students embarked on an awe-inspiring adventure to the Mind Lab!
Wednesday, 21 June 2023
It was an incredible opportunity for them to expand their knowledge of science, product design, and IS Engineering in an immersive and hands-on environment. From conducting exciting experiments to unraveling the mysteries of technology, our young minds were filled with curiosity and excitement throughout the day! Their enthusiasm and eagerness to learn were truly inspiring. A huge shout-out to our dedicated educators and the incredible team at the Mind alab for making this day possible! Thank you for creating an engaging and stimulating environment that sparked the imaginations of our Grade 3 students.
Celebrating our KG2 students' "Wonderful Wide World" Showcase!
Monday, 19 June 2023
Last week, our KG2 students took us on a global journey, dressed in beautiful traditional clothing representing diverse countries. They delighted their parents with enchanting songs and performances, spreading joy and cultural appreciation. The students confidently and clearly presented some amazing facts about the countries they had studied! It fills our hearts with pride that these young minds, who are the future Global Citizens of the world, have begun their wonderous journey here in IAA.
Exploring Habitats: Grade 1's Wildlife Discovery!
Monday, 19 June 2023
Our researchers in Grade 1 embarked on an incredible journey of discovery as they delved into diverse habitats during our Integrated Studies unit! The #littleexplorers researched, explored, and presented their findings with incredible enthusiasm! From selecting a specific habitat and animal to unraveling the mysteries of their chosen subjects, our young learners showcased their knowledge of plants, animals, adaptations, food chains, life cycles, and intriguing fun facts. With creativity in full bloom, students crafted captivating dioramas and eye-catching posters, brilliantly illustrating their newfound expertise. They honed their presentation skills and confidently shared their discoveries with parents, siblings, classmates, and friends! Congratulations to all our Grade 1 students for a job well done!
Reliving the unforgettable moments shared with our little athletes in #primaryschool during our sports day!
Sunday, 18 June 2023
Our fun-packed day wasn't only about competition but also supporting a great cause and making a difference; all proceeds from the event went to the King Hussein Cancer Foundation and Center مؤسسة ومركز الحسين للسرطان Proud of our phenomenal PE Houses' teams, Rum Wolves, Aqaba Dolphins, Zara Wild Cats, and Pella Falcons who truly brought their A-game and showcased their sportsmanship and talent.