
Hawks Compete in Dubai
Sunday, 20 March 2016
Sports -

Go Hawks! Our IAA Hawks teams participated in two tournaments during their stay in the UAE. Our U11 and U12 teams played nine games, each team exhibiting their sportsmanship throughout... Showing great determination while playing under hot and unfamiliar conditions, IAA student athletes proved to be tough opposition for the different schools participating. As always, the kids and coaches enjoyed themsleves and are bringing home theadded value prize - Silver Medals for both age groups. Congratulations for another great Hawks achievement!

Annie Comes to IAA!
Sunday, 20 March 2016
Drama -

Yes, Annie is coming to the IAA! Middle Years Drama students are working hard to introduce IAA to this freckle-faced orphan, known for her curly, short, red hair and and her warm heart! Join Ms Titania Khoury and her talented team of student actors, set designers and stage crew for an unforgettable show! Details are:

  • Place: IAA Theatre

  • Dates: Tuesday, 12th April & Wednesday, 13th April

  • Time: 6:00 pm

  • Tickets: 5 JD at Finance (commencement of ticket sales to be announced)

Anti-Bullying Workshop Empowers Kids
Wednesday, 16 March 2016
Education -

"Kids Empowered" presented an Anti-Bullying Workshop to IAA parents today. Guest speaker, Kimber Bishop-Yanke, educated parents about the issue, providing guidance on supporting children as they navigate through peer relationships in a positive way. Thank you to all those who attended. IAA staff and students will also be attending their own scheduled workshops later this week in order to better cope with bullying as a community.

Cambodia Trip Serves Others
Wednesday, 16 March 2016
Service -

The IAA Cambodia Trip was one of the year"s highlights in the IAA Secondary School. This unique trip offers its participants a valuable opportunity to learn about the world, serve others, and grow as individuals. Students surely make the most of it. Check out these great pics!  

IAA Staff Runs Dead 2 Red in Support of Atfalouna
Tuesday, 15 March 2016
Service -

Watch the IAA Dead 2 Red Staff Team Video

Thanks to the staff and students of IAA (a special mention to Dana Hamzouq and Dr Hana), the IAA Community and the PTA for their support of the Staff Dead2Red team. Year after year, we are proud to run with your names on our backs and a charity to support. This year was no different. Atfaluna do an amazing job in our community, and it was a privilege to run to support this amazing charity. We are incredibly proud of our team. We finished ahead of where we thought we would and had a fantastic time doing so.

TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More!) was really the lasting impression for us - despite injuries no one ever gave up! The resilience in our team is definitely something to aspire toward. Way to go IAA 'All Night for the Fight' - what an incredible effort!