
Grade 2 Learns to Bake
Monday, 14 March 2016
Partnership -

IAA Grade 2 learns to bake! Visiting IAA mom, Ms. Dana Darwish, shares her knowledge of sweets and treats with the children. Parent participation is an invaluable feature of any school. Thank you, IAA parents, for your many wonderful contributions...

IAA Hawks Dead 2 Red Team Finish Strong!
Sunday, 13 March 2016
Sports -

Great Job, IAA Hawks Dead 2 Red Team! Fourth place out of forty teams! This achievement would not have been possible without the great effort of the students, coaches and parents who ran non-stop 242 km in 13 hours and 35 minutes!

Our inspiring Hawks Captain, Mr Martin Thompson, continuously encouraged the entire team on the road. The boys and girls ran with an incredible fighting spirit, pushing themselves past their limits and never giving up, despite the exhaustion of running so long, so hard and so far. Through it all, our students truly discovered their power and courage on that winding road between the Dead and Red Seas. Our coaches also ran and ran and ran, always with big smiles on their faces, while our drivers and support staff cheered on the team throughout the night. This was an experience we will not soon forget, as it was deeply moving to witness the depth of determination, pride and unity among the staff and students who participated in this fight together. Thank you to all participants for giving us this unforgettable memory. It was a wonderful experience for the whole team, and we will definitely do it again!

Thank you to our sponsors:

  • CMCS: Mrs Awamleh

  • IRA: Mrs Abu Dahab

  • Mr Khaled Daoud

And our team:

Martin Thompson, Coach Samer Taha, Ely Awa, Ahmad Kiswani, Obada Barakat, Ibrahim Ajaj, Amro Abu Baker, Hashem Alwaneh, Saad Daoud, Sahara Zieadeh, Lara Aklouk

And our support staff:

Amer Hindawi, Jude Awamleh, Kamal Alhelo, Hazem Abu Jafar, Ayoub Zatari, Lina khut, Merna Hamzooq, Khaled Daoud, Abdallah Arabiat, Mohammad Qadoumi

Robotics Team Participates at Jubilee
Sunday, 13 March 2016
Science & Technology -

For the fifth consecutive year, the IAA"s Robotics team, Robodiction, took part in the First Lego League competition at the Jubilee School. Janette Al Nabulsi, Faisal Fakhriddin, Saad Kamhiya, Walid Nabilsi, Mohammad Said, Maya Shaban, Emanuel Shomali, Sami Zagha and Zain Zawaideh worked collaboratively to research a real-world problem and develop a solution through science, technology, engineering and maths. Robodiction designed, built and programmed a robot that carried and moved various items to specific places for sorting as part of the "Trash Trek Challenge”. Under the supervision of Mr Mohannad Maswady and Mr Zaid, the outcome was a strong performance and the bar was set high for next year. Huge congratulations to Robodiction for their commitment, creativity and perseverance!

Harvard Model Congress Rome
Sunday, 13 March 2016
Diplomacy -

The Harvard Model Congress is underway in Rome, Italy! IAA Secondary students are tackling the major issues of the day in an international setting, as well as enjoying educational excursions into the city. Learning beyond the classroom can be so exciting!

Primary Music Assembly Warms Hearts
Thursday, 10 March 2016
Music -
The Primary Music Assembly - what a show! IAA students surely crooned their way into our hearts. Thank you, Primary School, for a fabulous performance.