
Thursday, 11 October 2012

IAA had the pleasure of hosting our CIS/NEASC Accreditation Visiting Team this past week. It was a great experience for all IAA staff as it truly allowed for reflection on how we have grown as a school since we opened our doors eight years ago.

Secondary Principal Martin Thompson wins Teachanywhere's 2012 World Teacher Day Competition
Thursday, 04 October 2012

IAA is proud to announce that our very own Secondary Principal Martin Thompson is the recipient of the 2012 Teachanywhere's World Teacher Day Competition! Grade 12 students nominated Mr. Martin for this prestigious honor by making a video highlighting why they respect Mr. Martin as a teacher and educator.

Book Month Kicks Off at IAA
Monday, 01 October 2012

BOOK MONTH AT IAA HAS BEGUN!!!!! IAA students got off to a great start with the "Reading Buddies" programme where Grade 11 and 6 students reading to Reception 1 and 2 students. The Pen Project was also introduced to Grade 1-5 students during Assembly.

IAA Back to School Day hosted by the IAA Volunteers
Saturday, 29 September 2012


Please join in the fun by attending IAA's Back to School Day hosted by the Parent Volunteer Organization, IAAV. Held in the IAA Sports Complex, the day will be full of fun, food and games for children and parents. We encourage the entire IAA community to come and celebrate together! Entry tickets can be purchased at the IAA Finance Department for 2 JD each. Family/Friends of IAA families are invited to join in the fun but they must purchase their entry tickets in advance for admittance. 

Saturday, 29 September 2012


The IAAV FUN Day was a huge hit with over 1,400 attendees having a blast! We look forward to making this an annual event! Thanks to all who supported this great initiative.