
Grade 12 Diploma IB Art Exhibition
Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Grade 12 Diploma students displayed their artwork at the IB Art Exhibition reception, proudly displaying their beautiful and thought provoking pieces.

University Acceptances for the Class of 2013
Monday, 01 April 2013


University Acceptances for the Class of 2013 are in! IAA students have been offered placement at the top universities in the world.


Click here for more details!

IAA students celebrate CIS/NEASC joint accreditation
Monday, 01 April 2013

As a surprise to our students, IAA held a special assembly in the community square to celebrate IAA's joint CIS/NEASC accreditation. Along with our esteemed Board of Directors and PTA Members, IAA students and staff reflected on the importance of this occasion and celebrated in style!


IAA Grade 10 & 11 students travel to Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
Friday, 22 February 2013

IAA's Grade 10&11 students went on a trip of  a lifetime to Tanzania where they climbed the 4th largest mountain in the world, Mount Kilimanjaro, and then went on to explore the other wonderful attractions in Tanzania such as visiting a local Maasai village, going on safari in the Ngorongoro crater and touring local coffee bean farms. Additionally, the students spent time visiting a local orphanage that IAA hopes to build a long term and lasting relationship with. This trip pushed our students, physically, mentally and emotionally. We could not be more proud of how our students performed, and how they embraced being outside of their comfort zone. The photos in this album give you just a small taste of what all our students experienced.

IAA Reception1 students celebrate Valentine's Day
Thursday, 14 February 2013

In the spirit of Valentine's Day Reception1 students head over to the Secondary School Design Technology classrooms to make some Valentine's Day treats.