
Swimming Summer Camp 2017
Sunday, 07 May 2017
2017 Gymnastics Summer Camp
Sunday, 07 May 2017
IAA's 2017 Summer Camp
Sunday, 07 May 2017
IAA’s Annual Learning Support Conference.
Friday, 28 April 2017
Student support specialists from schools and centres in Amman attended the annual Learning Support Conference at IAA this week. Topics ranged from autism, ADHD, speech & language difficulties, vision disorders and dyslexia. Speakers shared their expertise in their respective fields in support of students across Jordan.
Go Hawks!
Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Go Hawks! 

IAA Hawks football participated in the MEUC football championship for the third year in a row with their U11 and U12 teams. 
The boys played tremendously throughout the tournament and came back with lots of medals. They played around 10 matches in 2 days and the boys really showed the true Hawks spirit that IAA strives for. 
Congratulations to our U12 boys for winning the championship once again. Thank you our U11 student athletes for always giving your best.